my stomach
Today when I went school my stomach hurt. I told my teacher, she said to go to my mom's classroom. I said, "ok". I went to my mom's classroom to see what she said. I told her "my stomach hurts I think I'm really hungry" she said to come back at recess and she would make me popcorn. I said, "ok". She said, now go back to your classroom. I said ok. when I went back my stomach hurt even more. I told my teacher that my mom said to come to her class at recess. she said "ok". after I ate popcorn I felt better.
sounds like you need to wake up ealier and have some breakfast.
she'd get in trouble from her teacher for eating in class, el. it's not like college, where you can eat anytime. plus her friends would want them.
believe me breakfast is the way to go. at the very least put the nuitrigrain bars in your car so that you can eat them on the drive out to whistran.
we can eat anytime in our class. during writing or whenever. as long as we keep working.
wow cathy
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